I Don't Believe You Crush To Kill
I don't believe you crush to kill.
Because every time I'm crushed, I feel
you gently adding water and blood
To soften what had dried so hard
It might as well have died.
I laid right down; the weight of stone
Exhausting me. But through my groans
I prayed for life, to live again.
You said "this just might hurt, my friend"
Because the way to life was first
To kill the thing that killed me worst.
The heart had to be broken, ground
Before my ears could hear the sound
of songs of deliverance, songs again!
You came right here, began to mend
with water, blood, you built me back
A soft, light heart, more foppy stacked
With every dream you'd always planned
for even me, once more began.
If I were ever going to know
That you are good, that you will show
me goodness still, I needed first
the healing crush that hurt the worst.