Friday, April 28, 2017

Great Tree

that something so great would tumble so fast.
We felt the disturbance; 
it shook us inside out, like a rumble of thunder
but it wasn't thunder, there hadn't been lightening,
though the rain was falling.  Only a light nudge of wind
pushed gently on the tree and it was all over.
The darkness of the depths of ancient roots and stale pale water
that never meant to be exposed
were exposed 
in the same sharp second
when the highest branches of the widened old tree met earth.
What made the tree great was that it had grown
for more years than we could count rings,
all through the seasons and extremities of weather. 
Small creatures
made homes and ran amuck, never questioning their security
as they hid in branches once indistinguishable
 from the bottom of heaven.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Camoflauge Girl

Right there in plain sight she is hiding
and I will not tell her apart.
Her camoflage smile 
covers secrets the while 
of which come from a wild beating heart.
Oh what did you see in the meadow
and what of the valley below
made you run from the tops
of rivers and rocks 
through mountains of white blinding snow?
There are plants that will burst forth in the springtime
when sun melts their blanket of white
til then, rest your head,
I'll protect you instead.
(She is hiding right there in plain sight)

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The thing about Spring

The slabs of the fence are usually light brown, but today
they look gray from the rain.  
"Your father is dying," she says, matter of fact, but
she's been saying that for years.  
"Oh but this time,"
This time?
(Well, what happens this time?)
"Just make sure you tell him."
(Wait, what?  Tell him what?  Was I going to say something?)
The thing about Spring is that it was supposed to stop raining on Monday.
I didn't want it to go unnoticed, so I sat outside
watching for rainbows that did not appear.
Now two days later, it's raining again. 
 I am never prepared.
If today is the last day of rain, then-
Hot weather approaches
"Are you ready?"
(No.  Never.)
I can't stand the heat.  But this year I itch 
at the thought of summer's end
for the next time it rains,
He will be gone.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Re broken

Oh long and lonely lasting way we're made-
in sunshine, rain, and long in shadow's shade;
I'm thinking about the broken way
we're made.
Were you of plastic, you could last
if lasting looking clear was all 
that mattered.
I"m more like glass; I still speak sharply, 
My bottle tipped and out poured salt
and grapevines.
The purple stains were wine?  Or juice?  Or water?
Salt water with a tinge of blood?
(cold, hotter)
I'm thinking about the broken way we're made, 
then broken, 
then re broken, 
then remade.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Keep A Dog

Keep a dog
on a leash
in the yard
near the fence
let him run
just as far
as your mailman
won't get bitten
let him bark
just as loud
as your neighbor
will not sue