Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Still (Untamed Abundance)

I see prisms reflected on wet blades of grass
when the sun hits just right, 
before shadows dare pass.
Soft butterflies land, 
taking sips as they doze,
(and so do the wasps, but I don't dare count those.)
There is still beauty here, 
in the land where I dwell;
where never before could I picture myself.
I arrived here so young (though not so long ago)
I thought it'd be different, but what 
did I know?
My heart has as yet to catch up with my feet
or my feet with my heart? (I can't distinguish beats)
and if I keep moving, I never arrive
but then when I stop,
I'm still broken inside.
Even now, I hear music as wind blows the chimes.
Their notes sound discordant; don't quite harmonize;
yet they soothe me still, 
and I realize
it's not up to me to determine my times.
A shiver within, 
like the lightest leaf dance;
There is still beauty here,
in untamed abundance.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

2 Years Later...

in a hallway in my mind,
the reverberation of your voice 
still bounces 
from wall to wall,
but it sounds farther 
and farther behind
until I think that what I hear
is just the memory 
of your memory.
Maybe I am walking away from 
the place where
You left on your own accord 
through a hidden door,
took all of your future with you
then sealed it shut.
Whisper goodbye, I can't see you.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Lord when you look (A prayer in the dark)

Lord, when you look
  (a prayer in the dark)

Lord, when you look down
 and see your children here
 in the dark, just shining 
through our tired out wicks, our wax hearts melted,
look and really look hard
and remember the stuff of which we are made, 
and that we are not encased in a glass, 
and that all of our stones
are markers from graves.
(I've forgotten how many)
look, and really look hard
and when you look, 
remember us
and heal. 

Sunday, June 11, 2017

When I was so small (and the world was so large)

When I was so small (and the world was so large)

When I was so small,
and the world was so large,
and you were so tall 
that I had to look up,
We would go to the beach, 
Things the sea's waves had left
on the sand
we could hold in our hands;
A fossilized rock,
or an agate, or glass
tossed soft
 were too special to pass.
You taught me to hear
with a shell to my ear.
All I heard was a roar;
 like the holler
of everything hollow
 the ocean has swallowed,
then spit somewhere else.
(What's it like on your shore?)

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Oh heart, my heart

Oh heart, my heart,
I sang a song to try to tell you all 
about the world I know.  Where rivers run 
and breezes blow, where grandma tried 
to hide her tears when grandpa died
but i was six and I looked up in time 
to see their silent drip, effortless down endless cheeks 
each silent tear contained a memory turned clear.
oh heart my heart, I sang a song to tell you how
the day is long the night-
is night.
I cannot unaffect you now by 
what I know
this world below
blows cold and wet and drips to let some crystals form
in deepest caves, 
but it will take a thousand years.
I sang a song, oh heart my heart, to try to try
but I can't put you back again
and i can't fix you heart, my heart, 
no I can't fix your heart.