Saturday, November 24, 2018

Joelle's Funeral

Well, I have to go to a funeral today,
I don't yet know who I'll see, what I'll say,
but still I'll show up to be quiet; just to be.
For someone has left off of Earth recently.
And that is respected and sacred and sad,
because she was young and her Mom and her Dad
are still here. Oh such a dark mystery to live
and to bury one's children. Oh what we would give
to reverse the details and to rewrite the days.
And though I love God, I'm confused by His ways.
so I won't pretend I'm not grieving with them.
and I won't say, "Oh, but we'll see her again!"
Because we're still here in this pain riddled place
that no longer holds her sweet beautiful face.
Yes, the rest of us, still here; pathetic, in pain,
dressed in black, or in white, (does that matter?) unstained.
Trying to stay dry through this stormy downpour.
I'm not even saying a cute metaphor;
For three days, it's rained, as if  Heaven's great stores
of too many tears have been dripping. It's doors,
they were opened so quickly, then reshut; She's in.
She's free of these shadows, these shackles, this sin.
So I'll bear my part of this sorrow with you,
and weep alongside,  for yes, I loved her too.


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